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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Vajiraramaya Photos

The most Venerable Ampitiye Sri Rahula Maha Thero

Pelene Maha Nayaka Thero

From an article published in the Sunday Times ‐ 29 November 1998 to mark the 120th birth anniversary of the scholar monk 

Narada Maha Thero

"My mission abroad was never to proselytize but merely to present the teachings of the Buddha to those who are interested. I found numerous such persons. To those who believed in God, I said, if you are convinced of God and if it is beneficial, by all means you may believe in him. But for my part, I told them that I could do better without depending on him." 

Piyadassi Maha Thero

History has proved again and again, and will continue to prove, that nothing in this world is lasting. Nations and civilizations rise, flourish and die away as waves upon the ocean yielding place to new, and thus the scrolls of time record the passing pageant, the baseless vision and tfading flow that is human history. 

Renowned Monks

Pelene Maha Nayaka Thero                                            Narada Maha Thero

Most Venerable Madihe Pagnaseeha Maha Nayaka Thero Memorial Museum Page

Most Venerable Madihe Pagnaseeha Maha Nayaka Thero Memorial Museum Page

Agga Maha Pandita Most Venerable Madihe Pannasiha Maha Nayaka Thera was appointed Chief Prelate of the Sri Amarapura Dhammarakshita Nikaya to succeed Venerable Pelene Vajiranana Maha Nayaka Thera. He was later appointed Supreme Patriarch of the Sri Amarapura Mah Nikakya embracing all the sub-orders. 
This article appeared in the Sunday Times - 14 September 2003 after the passing away of the Maha Nayaka Thera at the age of 92.